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I have decided to be aggressive and join the fight for a Cottage Food Law in New Jersey.  Over the next year you'll be seeing a lot of posts updating you on the status of this fight but more importantly asking for your support and help.

For those of you who are new to this topic, in 2009 a group of NJ cake decorators wrote letters, sent e-mails, made phone calls, and posted fliers to make their voices heard by the New Jersey government.  A bill was introduced on June 15, 2009 but unfortunately, it died in committee.  So now, we begin again.  More phone calls, more letters, and more e-mails!

Last month, before I even found out about the work being done by Grace and Stephanie, I called the NJ Department of Agriculture to find out the state's stance on selling baked goods from home.  They informed me, as we now know, that NJ does not have a Cottage Food Law of any kind but they are currently working on finding a way for home bakers to sell their products.

Just today, I learned that Grace is drafting an updated letter for us to submit to our local representatives.  I will post more on that topic soon. (Update: The template letter is now written.  Find it here.) While we wait, there are tons of ways to help right now.  First, join us on the NJ Cottage Food Law- Home Bakers Law Facebook page.  Then, sign the NJ Home Bakers Law Petition.  This will help when the committee votes on the proposed bill!  You can also start making phone calls.  Here's the link to the 2010-2011 NJ Legislator Roster: http://www.njleg.stat...  Ask questions and let them know of your interest in a Home Bakers Law (Cottage Food Law)!  Finally, donate.  Grace is working hard and putting out her own money to get this bill passed.  Anyone interested in supporting Grace and help fund the fight can donate here.  I will forward all monies collected to Grace at the end of every month.  Every little bit helps!  (update: I have recently decided to give 50% of my monthly advertising profits to Grace's efforts.  So, the more people who view this post, the more I can give to help the cause!  Scroll down to find out how you can help make that happen.)

Thank you in advance and I your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Update:  Now you can link to this post and spread the word by adding the button below in the sidebar of your website or blog.

Support NJ Home Bakers Law(Cottage Food Law)

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14 Responses to "NJ Home Bakers Law (aka Cottage Food Law)"

  1. Our Italian Kitchen Says:

    Thanks so much for sharing this! I've been trying to get licensed for making cookies, edible favors from my home!

  2. Kim @ PCD Says:

    You are very welcome. Pass the info and link on. You can never have to much support!


    I posted this on my FB and page, my Twitter page as well as signed the petition. I will also put it on my blog ( in the next day or so. I am all for this and want to help however I can. :)

  4. Kim @ PCD Says:

    Thank you so much A Touch of Class Cakes...couldn't ask for more :)

  5. Donna Says:

    Signing it now! And I'm adding the button to my blog:) Hope that helps!! You deserve this to happen!!!

  6. Kim @ PCD Says:

    You're awesome Donna! Thanks :)

  7. Jaime Says:

    Got my district letters together today and will send them out in the mail this week. If I have more time I'll hit some more districts...

    So tired of only baking for family and friends!

  8. Grace DeStefano Says:

    Kim, I just want to say thank you so much for being such a great supporter and 'rallying the troops'. I also want to thank you and each and every person that has helped by donating (since the mailing has cost me more than $1,000, every bit is helpful), but more importantly than the monetary value, we have to get this upcoming bill passed and we need support in the form of letters, postcards, e-mails and phone calls. We need to make noise and let our legislative representatives know that we want this and we want it NOW!

  9. Kim @ PCD Says:

    Glad to hear that Jaime...make sure you check out the latest updates...

    Grace - You are very is the least we can do for all the hard work you are doing on behalf of us.

  10. Grace DeStefano Says:

    Kim and visitors, good news! We now have a bill number! Please let everyone, especially our legislators, know that you support S2734. You can find it here:

    Thanks for all your support so far and I'm sure I can count on your continued support until this bill is passed and eventually made LAW!


  11. Kim @ PCD Says:

    I just read the great news on Meetup! Sooo excited. I'll dedicate a whole new post on it tomorrow but for anyone reading this, Grace is right. Send more letters and be specific about the bill number...S2734 is going to be the one :) I can feel it...and don't forget to donate!

  12. Anonymous Says:

    what is the major benefit to the baker by having a "license" in NJ.
    and how does this infringe on free enterprise?
    i see other states where really creative people are shunned out of the business because they cannot afford major renovations necessary to run their operations out of their homes.
    I would like to know aside from stemming off competition how this would benefit an already established home baker.

  13. Kim @ PCD Says:

    It would benefit the home baker because it is currently against the law to sell baked goods from your home. Unless you can afford to renovate a dedicated space in your home for a kitchen and get the proper licensing, you are breaking the law.

  14. Anonymous Says:

    WOW! didn't know it was against the law to sell a cake from your home in NJ. that's intereseting news.(i mean it's eggs and flour) can you tell me what kind of specific regulations the state would propose home bakers have in their kitchens? i'd be interested to see how this would affect them as i have a relative who does this and is very very talented in her field.

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